Virol-Oxy® is the most unique powder product for the safe and rapid disinfection and deactivation of surfaces and contaminated places in a wide variety of emergency situations. VirolOxy® is dissolved in normal water for use, providing a safe working solution with a strong Pink color. Virol-Oxy® working solution is also very safe.
Virol-Oxy® is the safest deactivated powder. It is very easy to use and has a wide usabilitybased spectrum of activity, which can be used in a very large number of applications and is
environmentally friendly
Virol-Oxy® has proven high efficacy against bacteria and viruses, spores and fungi in a very large number of applications. Virol-Oxy® presents no serious or long-term health risk to staff by
obviating the need for costly ventilation equipment and health monitoring.
Virol-Oxy® is a balanced and stabilized blend of powdered Hydrogen peroxide and Crystalline Titanium dioxide (Titansorb P) compounds, surfactant, organic buffer chemistry with exceptional