Emerging Farmers Support (Pty) Ltd

Emerging Farmers Support (Pty) Ltd Claimed

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About us Emerging Farmers Support Pty Ltd is a South African company specializing in mentoring of new farmers and Agro processors. Firstly, Our company is led by a team of Agricultural specialists with years of commercial farming in Agriculture.  Secondly, they also have Agro processing experience. However,  we provide practical solutions to challenges facing farmers in Sub Saharan Africa. Thereof, making our company one of the best to be associated with. For instance, we take pride making sure that our customers get all the necessary help they need which will result in greater satisfaction for all parties. Vision Above all, We aim to contribute positively towards the creation of sustainable commercial farming and Agro processing operations in South Africa. Mission To strategically, thereof, partner with individual farmers and Agro processors, Agricultural companies and co-operatives, municipalities and Government Departments. Moreover, this done to create sustainable commercial farming and Agro processing operations Agriculture such as cows, and organic farming. As a result, this stimulate local economies thereby creating employment and reduce poverty.

Our Core Business

Mentoring of new farmers and Agro-processors, in Agriculture: Forming of strategic partnerships with new farmers and Agro processors. As a result, we utilize our vast experience and networks in the industry to create sustainable operations. In addition, designing and implementation of tailor-made turn-around strategies for under performing Agricultural businesses. Formulation and compilation of Agricultural business plans including yield estimates and cashflow projections. Establishment and management of farming projects such as tunnels net houses, germination rooms for nurseries and pack houses. Designing and implementation of Agro processing projects. Most importantly, formulation and implementation of marketing strategies both for local and exports markets. Agriculture plays a vital role in our lives hence we take it seriously  Our Clients Our clients include: Hina Agronomy Pty Ltd, Richmond KZN. Seyamekuye Pty Ltd, Richmond KZN. Bobididi Community Trust, Burgersfort, Limpopo. Emasosheni Community Trust, Richmond KZN. Siyaxhasana Dev Co-op. Vryheid KZN. uMshwathi Local Municipality. KZN. uMqhekezweni Social-Economic Foundation, Mqhekezweni. Eastern Cape.


Business Hours

Open 24/7


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