Africa Heritage Transport Cross-Border

Africa Heritage Transport Cross-Border Claimed

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Firstly, Africa Heritage Transport Cross-Border, transport all type of goods to address anywhere around Zimbabwe. For instance, we thrive on excellence and by arrangement we can also deliver door to door. We will give you a peace of mind as you know that your goods will arrive in one piece. All you have to do is to phone us and we come and collect your goods at a small additional cost or you can deliver to our truck loading point and we take it across the boarders for you.

Road Transport

Secondly, Road transport is of great economic importance to the South African economy.  The movement of goods plays a vital role in the transport and logistics sector.  Africa Heritage Transport Cross-Border are proud to be part of an industry that fuels the economy.  We continuously strive to stay abreast of developments in the sector and we endeavour to sustain a vibrant and responsive road freight sector. When boarders are in operation, Africa Heritage Transport Cross-Border provide movements of goods on buses. This will give owners to move with their goods and have direct control when clearing at the boarders. Buses have special privileges than truck at the the boarders. This mean that they do not spend a lot of time at the border for they are cleared faster. Africa Heritage Transport Cross-Border is a transport company with experience, we make sure that your goods are transported with care. A lot of people from Zimbabwe rely on our transport because of the efficiency we have. On bulk orders, we advise that people use our trucks. We can also deliver all orders door to door. You do not need to worry about packing for we can do that for you at an extra cost. If you do not have transport to bring your good to us, for instance, we will come and collect. Just let us know.


Business Hours

Open 24/7



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